Charming held the third quarter operating meeting

2020-10-09 00:00:00 Zhejiang Charming Dyeing and Finishing Co., Ltd. Viewd 337

On September 29, the company's President Mo presided over the third quarter operation meeting. The company leaders and the main persons in charge of various departments and business units participated in the meeting.

At the meeting, President Mo reported the production completion data of each business unit in the first three quarters, pointed out the shortcomings in the production and operation activities, and put forward the focus of work in the fourth quarter.

President Mo pointed out that this year is an unusual year. The new crown epidemic has brought us an unprecedented impact. However, with the joint efforts of various departments and managers at all levels, as well as all employees, we have faced up to the difficulties, actively responded, and worked hard. The production and operation have achieved much better performance than expected, and the production indicators have been completed well. It is relatively confident that the annual output of this year will not be lower than or exceed the number completed last year.

President Mo emphasized that on the basis of affirming the achievements in the first three quarters, the shortcomings in the production and operation activities are also prominent, the quality needs to be further improved, the delivery time still needs to be improved, and the problem of high production costs needs to be introduced. Pay attention to and improve, the overall quality of employees has declined, especially the low proportion of skilled workers is more prominent, the core competitiveness and product competitiveness of enterprises are weak, and the mental outlook of a small number of party members and managers is weak.

President Mo requested that all departments work hard in the fourth quarter to ensure the completion of the targets and tasks for the whole year of this year, and the minimum requirements to meet or exceed the operating performance of last year, while consolidating various basic management tasks, and comprehensively improving the "five-in-one" work level. Managers at all levels are required to raise their ideological awareness, improve their political positions, enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve "two safeguards". They must establish patriotic feelings and actively do what the government advocates. ; Persist in not doing things restricted by the government. It is necessary to strengthen the leadership of party building, focus on doing a good job in talent work and staff team building, deeply promote the "three governance integration", and strengthen the construction of corporate culture. It is necessary to deepen the reform of the internal system and mechanism of the enterprise, and use the driving force to change and stimulate vitality. Managers at all levels must strengthen learning, master new knowledge, adapt to the new situation, and continuously improve their work ability and level. They must implement the "1.01 Work Method" to effectively improve work efficiency and make new contributions to the healthy development of the company.

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